Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Blogging at McDonalds or thank goodness for free WiFi

This blog post is coming to you from my local McDonalds playground. It seems that we have been shaped internet wise, due to Mr E. and his obsession with 'something' that has used our broadband allocation. But there is something else going wrong at home too as I have restarted the router and the internet works for a while and then stalls. So me being a Technophobe got peeved and ran away from home!

And to where do you run when to you need to use the internet before 5 pm and have two children to entertain while you do it? McDonalds, of course.

I have had to traipse down to here, buy afternoon tea for the children to keep them happy and to appease my guilt of leeching free internet while I did my work and now while I post this so I don't flunk out of the NaBloPoMo.

Anyway I have to go. Thanks for reading and thanks to whoever decided McDonalds needed free Wifi, and thanks Microsoft for giving Mr E. a laptop at TechEd 2009 so I can actually leech the free internet at McDonalds!


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

We've been shaped too. We went over our HUGE download limit about 5 or 6 days ago. It's the earliest we've ever been shaped and I just might die.

Only 2 days to go.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I did when switching broadband providers was making sure my download limit was "unlimited".
I'm never going to go over the point where they start hassling me about it, so we all win.
I love McDonalds when I'm out and about and need to check my emails on my phone without the massive battery suck that is 3G.

Anonymous said...

That's great! We were on a road trip for my husbands work earlier this year and I too enjoyed the McDonalds free WiFi, genius if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

And there I was thinking' now that's dedication to the NaBlo thing, when I realise that it's all for work. How disappointing.

E. said...

We are no longer being shaped! Hurray.

Solnushka - The work was the priority because people were depending on me to do something. Staying an extra 20 or minutes so I wouldn't stuff up the NaBloPoMo was very importatnt to me. LOL.


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