All about Me

Hello, I'm E.

I'm a wife (of about 16 and a half years – where did that time go?) and the mother to two beautiful children - Boy Child (1998) and Girl Child (2003). I work but I’m lucky enough to have flexibility and so I work from home doing admin stuff. For some reason I’m a serial volunteer.  I used to love chocolate but still drink a lot of coffee.

This is my first and so far only blog which I started in October 2009. The title came about while Mr E. was asking me what I would blog about and my response was along the lines of: Oh I don't know. Basically just for whining at the world. So the blog title was born.  I had actually tried to see if For the Love of Chocolate was available but sadly it was not.  That is probably a good thing as I no longer crave chocolate.

Now the blog isn’t solely about whinging at the world. It's a way of exploring what is going on around me. For me to express my feelings about life, specifically my life and that of those around me. If you are looking for a deep and meaningful discussion of life the universe and everything stick around it might happen but I’m not promising anything.

A while ago I blogged my first piece of fiction in response to a challenge posed by another blogger. To my surprise it wasn’t as difficult to get writing as I thought it would be. When I was younger I was always writing and that was what I wanted to be when I grew up. I grew up and life got in the way so along the way I stopped writing. I’m hoping to start again sometime.  I've also joined Write On Wednesdays to try and kick start the writing habit again too.

I enjoy reading your comments so please comment. Or you can email me at whining at the world @ gmail. com (without the spaces).

Thanks for stopping by.


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