I have recently discovered Blunt cards. Obviously this site has been around for a while but it was only recently I found out there was a whole website with these things. Yes, I am often slow on the uptake.
So Instead of a proper post today I thought I would show you all how my week was in cards. If you haven’t discovered these yet go over and check them out. These are just the cards that I feel represented parts of this week for me there are lots more and funnier ones to check out. If I drank, I would have had many more options to present to you.
Enjoy my week in Bluntcards!
Most of the week:
A few times:
Thankfully not too often:
Right now:
But this one is just NOT true:
All cards courtesy of http://bluntcard.com
LOL! I like that last one ...
Haha, This is indeed the apt representation of everyday life. Nice work.
I only discovered bluntcard yesterday too (maybe through the same person??!). I then proceeded to show every one at work and we spent a good 1/2 hour all gathered round a computer laughing our heads off.
Love it!
Oh, I LIKE - need to get drunk asap so I can send the ones I wouldnt send sober :)
lol. I hadn't seen these blunt cards before :) . Love them.
@Leanne - I needed to put the last one in there, it was too perfect to leave out.
@Ratz - Thanks! It's cool isn't it.
@Anna - Yep I's say therought he same person. Good way to waste time I think.
@SarahMac - Go on, do it. But send me proof. Pretty, please?
@Jen - Glad you like them.
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