It’s always busy here in September. Actually, it starts in August. We have our four birthdays, Father’s Day and our Wedding Anniversary in 33 days.Very busy with lots of cake!
This year we reached a milestone… 15 years of marriage. I‘m not going to say wedded bliss because there have been some tough times but we have made it, together.
Here’s a quick overview:
Wedding - September 1995
Boy Child - September 1998
Boy Child’s arrival was wonderful. However, it also ushered in a new set of challenges. PND, reflux, hospital, reflux medications, asthma medications, possibility of a hysterectomy (thankfully never happened), more hospital, etc. Then in March 1999 my Dad died. Mum called Mr E. and he spent the afternoon with her and my Dad’s body before coming to see me and tell me Dad had died. And a few days later he stood with me while I spoke at Dad’s funeral.
Life went on. We got into the swing of parenting, Boy Child’s asthma finally controlled and then there was Girl Child.
Girl Child – August 2003
Thankfully, this time around I was well. And she was too. Well mostly. No asthma and any reflux was mild. She had a heart murmur which was diagnosed as being a minor value issue at 11 months old. Then Boy Child was started down the diagnosis path for ASD, 6 months later we had our answer - Aspergers.
During this time my Mother remarried and things seemed okay.
Mum – 2006 to Feb 2007
Mum was diagnosed with MND. She died just 13 months later. Mr E., Boy Child and Girl Child were all with me when I spoke at her funeral. Mum was a very complex person and relationships with her were not easy. Her marriage had broken down while she was ill and once she died her estranged husbands anger was turned on us. We dealt with months of harassment before taking legal steps, and thankfully things have been calm for quite a long time.
Anniversary - September 2010
So in celebration of 15 years of marriage, the ups, the downs and everything in between here’s a toast to us.
I love you! I hope the next 15 years have many more ups than downs.