Saturday, 2 April 2011

Today I’m grateful for…

My cousin’s baby girl being delivered safe and sound. Yes, this pic really is her.  Her father titled it: Happy Face.

My Husband who understands that coffee dates are an essential part of my life.

The coffee at the above coffee dates.  I had three coffee dates last week!  Three!

Friends who have asked how I am.

My very generous sponsors who have helped raise $1,145 for the Leukaemia Foundation. 

Grateful button

I’m playing along with Maxabella from Maxabella Loves.  Why don't you join in?


Maxabella said...

Oh baby, welcome to the world. It's rather nice here, we promise!!!! x

sevencherubs said...

what a gorgeous cherub! so love that face and I am sure that scream was just tiny and lovely too! miss having a little one in my home. Love the bright blog banner.

heavenisabookstore said...

Ack how cute is that pic!!! Great list.

Sam-O said...

Love the pic! Nobody ever uses the screaming ones! They should.

We blew one up to 40x40cm of our 2nd son and put it up the hall. People comment on it all the time.


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