Sunday, 6 November 2011

Grumble Sunday 6 Nov 2011

Today I'm joining up with Madam Bipolar for Grumble Sunday.

Now I actually just feel a bit blurgh today so I thought this might cover it.

Today I'm grumbling about a few things so in no particular order they are:

Signing up for up for NaNoWriMo with no ideas. I had no characters and no plot just had a very general theme. I have become a compulsive word count checker and am behind my target of writing 1667 words per day. Apparently my average is about 1052 words per day which means I need to get a move on.

I forgot the date of a very important and long awaited appointment. It was in my calendar onto correct date but for some reason I thought it was the following week. Luckily they rang to confirm.

Health issues for family members - some major, some minor.

People who never answer their phones and when you do leave the number you have called from they don't bother to return those calls either.

Other people who are too busy being selfish to see what effect it has on the people around them.

Girl Child wanting to wear makeup for the pretend concerts she performs every day.

The grass that won't stop growing and me being too tired or busy or lazy to actually get it mown. Actually it's all three depending on the day.

Now I have unburdened myself I feel a bit better now. Do you have anything you want to grumble about today?


Sarah said...

Oh, I love a good grumble, it does my soul good! I might have to join in :)

Suzi - Under The Windmills said...

I've always got plenty to whinge about, unfortunatly I can't join in grumble Sunday cause my Internet doesn't work and I can't blog from my phone... Grumble Grumble
By the way 1052 is a heck of a lot of words and I think you are awesome managing that!! You must video girl Childs concerts and play them at her 21st!
Good luck with the appointment :)

Lene said...

A well deserved grumble I think!
Today I want to grumble about unappreciative children....Grrrrr!


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