Tuesday, 1 May 2012

'Happy Days' in May Project

Last year Naomi from Seven Cherubs ran a Happiness Project in May last year. This year she has:

It's all about recognising the moments of happiness you have in every day life. Naomi says:

I love that this project involves only one sentence a day and a short time for me to reflect each night on what has stood out as a great moment during my busy day. This idea and project is manageable. It is simple and a way for me to put pen to paper quickly each day. It also allows me to be more grateful, to count my blessings and to be aware of my family and surroundings. I need that reminder right now.

I know I often need that reminder so I'm joining in. I'll be writing my happy moments down and then revealing them sometime after the end of the month. There's a linky on Naomi's post if you would like to join in. So far there are 50 people joined up. Oh, if you were like me and tried to link up earlier but had an issue, the linky is working now.

1 comment:

Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit said...

Lovely idea! I look forward to reading yours :)


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