Friday 25 January 2013

Word for 2013

Maxabella has challenged us to chose one word to define our lives or a word to live by in 2013. Last year I chose as my word:


I wanted to be open to new experiences, make my house open to visitors and be prepared to consider the possibilities that could / would be available. I think it worked put well. Admittedly, the whole visitor thing didn't last too long but I was open to the possibility of changing direction, to studying and doing something useful with my life. I was open to making new friendships and having new experiences. So I studied and I think that as an Learning Support Assistant I can make a difference.

This year, the word that resonates with me is:


My plan is to connect with people, to make new connections and to strengthen those I already have. I need to make connections with schools to get some work and stay connected to my family (both nuclear and extended). I would like to help connect my children with their peers and friends as well. Part of my plan is to also have time with my husband. We need to connect with each other as adults as well as parents.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anna said...

My word for this year is Spirit. I need to connect to my spirit again, as well as nurture the spirits of the people I love most. We often forget about that which makes us who we are.

Love your word Connect! Connection is so important too.


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