It feels as though it's been a long time since I have done a grateful post. So I thought I would do participate this weekend.
This week I'm grateful that my meds have kicked in. While I was whining in my last post, it had actually been written a couple of weeks earlier. Now, my new preventer and the increased dose of my older preventer have kicked in. I did end with a bad day one day last week. On the plus side I managed to function, finish my prac day, and take Girl Child to an after school activity.My prac for my Education Support Course is half over. I have been mixing it up and working with children aged from Preschool to Year 8. I'm not sure I'm cut out for preschoolers (but that was the day my head really hurt) but it has definitely been a learning experience. I must be doing well because I have been asked to put my name down on that school's relief Learning Support Assistant (LSA) list, even if it's just for one day a week. Got to be happy with that.
With my Prac half over my course heading towards being over as well. As long as I don't have to do any resubmits on my assignments I will be a fully qualified LSA by the beginning of December. Then I will have to decide what schools I would like to work at and put my name down at them.
As we are heading toward the end of the year it's nearing time for the Dance Concert. We have both of Girl Child's costumes and one has been sequined by a family we know. A huge thanks to them for spending all their holidays sequinning our classes costumes. That leaves only a bit of sewing for me to do on the other costume before the dress rehearsal.
Things are going pretty well here at the moment. That's always something to be grateful for.
Drop by Village Voices to see what other people are grateful for, this week.